Web Marketing Techniques

Advertising your game on a website because distributing it over through a website is low cost and can reach a wide audience. I will be covering three different techniques of web marketing that can be used in marketing a game or product.

The first web marketing technique is Content Marketing. Content marketing is focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly-defined audience and to drive customer action. Content is much better than being shared than traditional adverts, so the user can share the content and it will inadvertently spread brand awareness to a wider audience. (What is Content Marketing?, n.d.)

The second web marketing technique is SEO (Search Engine Optimization). SEO is the process of improving the visibility of your website on search engines. The better visibility your pages have in search results, the website will gain more attention and it will attract prospective and existing customers to your business. (What Is SEO / Search Engine Optimization?, n.d.)

The last web marketing technique is Display Media Advertising. Display advertising is to attract an audience to a website, social media platform or other forms of digital media to take a specific action. They can often be text-based, image or video advertisements that can encourage the users to click-through to a landing page and take action, for example, to make a purchase. (What Are Display Ads? The Complete Guide, n.d.)


Acquisio Blog. n.d. What Are Display Ads? The Complete Guide. [online] Available at: <https: www.acquisio.com="" blog="" agency="" what-are-display-ads-5-steps-to-effective-visual-advertising=""> [Accessed 18 March 2021].</https:>

Search Engine Land. n.d. What Is SEO / Search Engine Optimization?. [online] Available at: <https: searchengineland.com="" guide="" what-is-seo=""> [Accessed 18 March 2021].</https:>

Acquisio Blog. n.d. What Are Display Ads? The Complete Guide. [online] Available at: <https: www.acquisio.com="" blog="" agency="" what-are-display-ads-5-steps-to-effective-visual-advertising=""> [Accessed 18 March 2021].</https:>