The Importance of Data Analytics

Data analytics is an important part of game marketing, it allows you to see if your marketing campaigns were successful and how many potential new customers have seen your marketing campaigns. You can use the information collected to market your future marketing campaign for your other game projects.  When you are analysing the data that you collected is to identify if your marketing campaign was successful. This can be done by comparing the result of the marketing campaign with your marking objectives and checking how well you attained the marketing objectives. 

Dashboard metrics are a great way to understand how your website is performing by looking at the key metrics that are displayed on the dashboard. This will give you a clear understanding of how your website is growing and it will give you a basic understanding of what you can do to improve your numbers (Lyfe Marketing, 2019).  Pages per visit will tell you how many pages of your website were viewed by an average visitor before they left. Bounce rate tells you the percentage of visitors that have visited a single page and then left. If your bounce percentage is high that suggest that the users have only seen a single page and were not compelled to stay on the website (Single Grain, 2017).


Lyfe Marketing. 2019. Understanding the Importance of Digital Marketing Analytics. [online] Available at: <https:"" blog="" digital-marketing-analytics=""> [Accessed 2 May 2021].</https:>

Single Grain. 2017. Why Digital Marketing Analytics Matter To Your Business. [online] Available at: <https:"" blog-posts="" analytics="" why-digital-marketing-analytics-matter=""> [Accessed 2 May 2021].</https:>