Mobile Marketing Techniques

Mobile marketing is one way to advertise to your target audience and it is one of the best ways to market your game because most people will have a mobile device on their person. Mobile marketing can be a very effective marketing tool when they are done correctly, and you can use people’s dependency on their mobile device to your advantage. I will be covering two different techniques of mobile marketing that can be used when marketing a game or a product.

Push notifications is a technique to bring your existing users back to your game or app. Push notifications will appear at the top of the screen and will content information that will lure the users to the game or app, this can be used to promote a sale or some other event. This is a good way to attract the user’s attraction to your game or app. For the notifications to work the user will need to give their permission to appear but they are still effective to bring someone back to a game or app they have forgotten about. Once the users have downloaded your game or app, push notifications are a great way to increase awareness. (Welch, 2018)

Mobile advertising is a marketing technique to advertise your game or app to your target audience by using mobile ads to bring new users to your game or app. Mobile advertising is mostly overlooked but it can be a powerful marketing tool when done correctly. People still think that mobile ads are annoying and are only there to generate accidental clicks, but the quality of mobile ads has improved significantly over the years. By choosing the right ad format and the right metrics to measure, you can increase the number of click-throughs by targeting users on their phones. (Haran, n.d.)


Welch, S., 2018. How to maximize value from push notifications. [online] Marketing Land. Available at: <https:"" how-to-maximize-value-from-push-notifications-245729=""> [Accessed 8 April 2021].</https:>

Haran, R., n.d. The Ultimate Guide to Mobile Advertising. [online] Single Grain. Available at: <https:"" blog-posts="" mobile="" the-ultimate-guide-to-mobile-advertising-hub=""> [Accessed 8 April 2021].</https:>