Evaluative Measures

When you are evaluating the effectiveness of your game marketing, there are many ways to evaluate your marketing. I will be talking about three of them. Customer acquisition cost (CAC) is when you look at the total sales and marketing spend needed to gain a new customer. When you are calculating the CAC, you need to determine the time frame you are going to evaluate this cost (Edgecomb, 2021).

Customer lifetime value is how much revenue businesses can reasonably expect to gain from one customer over the average lifespan of the customer. Customer lifetime value is the best way to measure the customer's value, this is better to measure the customer's value than reaching out to your current customers to see what they value and where you can improve.  You can increase the lifetime value of your customers by developing campaigns that reach out to your existing customers, this can provide you and your sales team the opportunity to inform the existing customers about new services, products, and resources (Edgecomb, 2021).

Marketing revenue attribution is how much revenue can be attributed to digital marketing and is important to know, so you can see how effective your campaigns are. Companies do not want to spend money on a product that will not generate a return. You can track and attribute your marketing efforts. You can do this by using blogging or social media sites. With marketing revenue attribution, you are looking beyond the number of leads you closed to how much of your revenue was influenced by your marketing efforts (Edgecomb, 2021).


Edgecomb, C., 2021. The 10 marketing KPIs you should be tracking (updated for 2021). [online] Impactplus.com. Available at: <https: www.impactplus.com="" the-10-marketing-kpis-you-should-be-tracking=""> [Accessed 4 May 2021].</https:>