Analytics Techniques

When you are measuring the analytics of your game marketing, there are many ways to measure the analytics. I will be talking about three analytics techniques. 

Traffic is how much attention your product has generated on your website. You can segment your traffic by the source, this is a great place to start. The top five channels are Organic, Direct, Referral, Social and Paid. Companies are mainly focused on bringing organic traffic to their website, that is why search engine optimization (SEO) is very important (Dickey, 2017).

Engagement is the number of likes, shares, or comments you receive on a post. The users who are engaging with your brand are more likely to become customers and it will lead to a more qualified audience. It is important to keep track of your traffic and engagement from social media. If you are getting several contacts and qualified leads from social, it might be time to focus on improving your social presence to drive more engagement (Dickey, 2017).

Click-Through Rate (CTR) is the number of time users take to skip the advertisements. Click-through rates are important to indicate the relevance of your advertisements. It is important for your audience to feel like you understand them. You should pay attention to the performance of your advertisements. If you have a low CTR that can mean that your target audience is not specific enough, your landing page does not match the expectations given in the advertisement, your offer is not strong enough or try identifying the issue by using A/B testing. Switch up the offer, update your landing page or try a more targeted audience (Dickey, 2017).


Dickey, M., 2017. 5 Digital Marketing Analytics That Actually Matter. [online] Available at: <https:"" blog="" digital-marketing-analytics=""> [Accessed 30 May 2021].</https:>