Social Media Marketing

Social media allows different types of people to connect, communicate and share common interests with the world. Social media can increase your chances for your content to be seen by a large audience. I will be covering three different techniques of social media marketing that can be used when marketing a game or a product.

Hashtags are a big part of social media platforms; they are a great way to label and find social media posts. You can use hashtags to increase traffic to your social media posts. By incorporating hashtags into your social media posts, you can expand your audience. Keep the hashtag short, precise, and simple to spell. The hashtag needs to give the audience a clear idea about the topic. Before using the hashtag check to make sure that your hashtag is not used for the wrong reason. (Bagadiya, n.d.)

Viral Marketing is when you can generate interest and brand or product through messages that spread from person to person, like a virus. Due to their speed and ease to share, social media platforms are a great place for this kind of marketing. The users can choose if they want to share the content. It can become a problem because this type of campaign, falls into the hands of the users, and the message can be misinterpreted or parodied. (Fraile, 2020)

Knowing when to post is important to stay ahead and to make get your post to a lot of people and buried by other posts. The best times to post will vary, so it is important to make use of social media analytics and to find the best time to post on social media. Posting during peak times will get your posts to more people and your posts will not be buried by other posts. (Arens, 2020)

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Arens, E., 2020. The best times to post on social media in 2020. [online] Sprout Social. Available at: <https:"" insights="" best-times-to-post-on-social-media=""> [Accessed 13 April 2021].</https:>

Bagadiya, J., n.d. How To Use Hashtags Effectively In Social Media Marketing?. [online] Available at: <https:"" blog="" how-to-use-hashtags-effectively-in-social-media-marketing=""> [Accessed 13 April 2021].</https:>

Fraile, A., 2020. What is Viral Marketing? Examples and Advantages. [online] Available at: <https:"" numericalblogen="" what-is-viral-marketing-advantages-and-examples=""> [Accessed 13 April 2021].</https:>