The Use Of Target Market Research

Target audience analysis is important for any marketing strategy to be successful. The target audience for your game can be defined by demographics and psychographics. Demographics are the types of characteristics of users that you would target the game towards. These are some of the main and secondary characteristics that should be defined, age, sex, income, location, race, and many more. Psychographics are more challenging to define because it revolves around subjective information while demographics relies on hard statistical data. The three main areas of psychographics are their interests, their hobbies, and their attitudes/opinions towards a particular subject. (A Complete Guide To Target Audience Analysis For Content Marketers, n.d.)

I have made three buyer personas with different demographics and psychographics to help visualise my target market. I made these buyer personas because I feel like they cover a wide range of demographics and psychographics, without them being different from each other. I also created these buyer personas, so I would have the target market that I feel would play the game that I am developing. The buyer personas that I have made covers various demographics and psychographics like age, gender, occupation, levels of video game experience etc. I created buyer personas that are different from each other but not too different from each other. I did this, so I could visualise the types of people who are likely to play my game.


We Build Links You'll Be Proud Of - Point Visible. n.d. A Complete Guide To Target Audience Analysis For Content Marketers. [online] Available at: <https:"" blog="" complete-guide-target-audience-analysis-content-marketers=""> [Accessed 14 March 2021].</https:>