Three Common Objectives of Digital Media Marketing

For the marketing campaign to be successful, it is important to set specific marketing objectives to give you something to strive towards and keep you on the right path. I have identified three objectives that I will use to market the game. I used SMART goals to create marketing objectives. A SMART goal can help to give your ideas more and will allow you to focus your efforts and will allow you to use your time and resources more productively. (Content Team, n.d.).

  • Increase the number of players by 15% within 9 months.

I will achieve this by making the game’s page visually interesting by telling the player what the game is and how to play the game, I will also add screenshots that will show the best parts of the game, and I will show the current progress of the game through devlogs.

  • Gain 200 Twitter followers by the end of 2021.

I will achieve this by making a public Twitter account. The Twitter account will be used to show the progress of my game development projects, and to show the progress of the current project. I would post constant updates to the game and show previews of future

  • Increase Tweet impressions by 20% within 3 months.

I will achieve this by posting images that will show the progress of the game with the relevant hashtags and I will create polls on Twitter about what design decisions that I can make for the game. Using Twitter polls will increase the interaction of my followers.

The marketing objectives that I have chosen will help to make the marketing campaign for my game successful by increasing the exposure for myself as a developer and the games I am developing and increasing audience interaction.


Content Team, M., n.d. SMART Goals: – How to Make Your Goals Achievable. [online] Available at: <https:"" pages="" article="" smart-goals.htm=""> [Accessed 25 February 2021].</https:>